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Blood poisoning keeping many people out of work

New research from Norway, where 3000 people die every year from sepsis, looks into how the condition affects people returning to work.

3D illustration showing rod-shaped bacteria with red blood cells and leukocytes - CREDIT- istock-1076118448

Patients who survive sepsis may have health problems and reduced quality of life for years after they are discharged. As a result, many people do not return to work after having sepsis, but until now, we have not known how many.

The research group retrieved figures from the Norwegian Patient Registry and the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration’s information on absence due to illness.

The figures included 36,000 sepsis patients aged 18 to 60.

After six months, fewer than 59% of the patients had returned to work. After one year, just over 67% were back at work. However, after two years, the number was down to just over 63%.

Image credit | iStock

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