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“Low omega-3 index is strong predictor of early death”

New research claims that a low Omega-3 Index is just as powerful in predicting early death as smoking.

The claim is rooted in data pulled and analysed from the Framingham study – one of the longest-running studies in the world.

The researchers say that individuals with the highest Omega-3 Index were 33% less likely to die in the following 7.3 years compared with those with the lowest Omega-3 Index, based on following 2500 participants.

Michael McBurney, who was the lead researcher in the study, added: “It is interesting to note that in Japan, where the mean Omega-3 Index is greater than 8%, the expected life span is around five years longer than it is in the US, where the mean Omega-3 Index is about 5%.

“Hence, in practice, dietary choices that change the Omega-3 Index may prolong life.”

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